What we are proud of
The Rec has a thriving community of dogs and their owners and giving both great opportunities to exercise and socialise. This generates a huge amount of affection and fun and which enhances the feel of the Rec.
Problem incidents
However, there have been problematic incidents with dogs. We do hear about dogs not under good enough control, left free to snatch food, to bite other dogs and knock people over (the latter has resulted in some children/adults being too scared to walk through the Rec). We also hear of concerns about dog poo not always being picked up and people approaching dogs they don’t know wanting to pat and feed them.
Consultations on the Rec
We ran three public consultations on the Rec during April and May, with the help of Michelle Moule, a local, professional dog walker/trainer, to clarify what the problems were and what people thought should happen. These were well publicised on the gates of the Rec, on Noticeboards, on Social Media and in the Newsletter.
Consultation results
We found wide agreement with dog owners and non-dog owners with the following statements:
Dogs must wear a collar with the owner’s contact details clearly displayed
Do not allow your dog to become a nuisance to people and other dogs
Ensure you are confident about your dog’s behaviour and recall
Pick up after your dog
Ask permission before touching or feeding a dog you do not know
Leave unattended bags and food out of reach of dogs
Stop dogs digging holes
Actions which led on from the Consultations
Michelle very kindly ran free workshops covering some of the training issues that dog owners raised about managing their dogs. She also held a session for children/adults who were afraid of dogs and what they should do when approached by a dog.
A frequently raised concern that we were able to react to quickly, with unanimous support, was to try and stop dogs pooing and snatching food in the picnic area. We have now placed a sign on the toilet block in front of the picnic tables asking people to have their dogs on leads in that area.
We are liaising with the Council on signs to encourage more awareness for all regarding dogs on the Rec. Please do be aware that the Council is responsible for all decisions made and the role of FolaR in relation to dogs is purely to facilitate discussion.
We have requested another rubbish bin near the Aldersbrook Gate entrance from the Council.
In conclusion
We would like to continue to hear from dog owners and non-dog owners if there are things they think will help us keep the Rec a relaxed, happy place to be.

Below are questions/statements received during the ‘Dogs on the Rec’ discussions, along with our responses. We are keen to hear thoughts and ideas and will continue to update this page as and when other comment are made.
"I'm concerned that the new proposed guidelines are going to mean most of us have to have our dogs on lead, eg if they sniff, etc, which would be every dog. Please allow us to have our dogs able to socialise (which is important) and still chase a ball."
We agree that off-lead socialisation, ball chasing and play is important for dogs and will continue to support this. We do ask that any dogs that are aggressive or bite be kept on-lead or muzzled to keep all other dogs, children and people that use the Rec safe. If the Rec is particularly busy with children commuting to and from school, during Little League Football or parkrun, it would be appreciated if your dog was on a lead if recall is not good.
"Dogs need to socialise for behaviour and sometimes the lead makes it worse for aggression."
Agreed - which is why the workshops will be covering canine body language and good socialisation between dogs which includes not allowing off-lead dogs to approach on-lead dogs (they are usually on-lead for a reason).
"I think it's fabulous that these free workshops are being offered and Michelle is a perfect person to provide them. This is a shared space and needs to work for both dog-owners/walkers and others wanting to use the space for recreation. We need to co-operate and approach the issues positively."
Thank you for your feedback. We hope you find the workshops useful and that by working together, the Rec will be a safe and enjoyable place for everyone to use and enjoy together.
"Perhaps we could enclose the picnic area to avoid dogs being tempted by the food and ensure litter is not dropped but placed in bins."
This is something that is under discussion by FoLaR.
"Please could you educate people about not feeding each other's dogs. My dog simply doesn't listen to me when someone else hands out treats."
This will definitely be discussed at the workshops - it should not happen at any time without permission from the owner. Some common human foods are poisonous to dogs or a dog may have allergies…and it does diminish an owner’s recall.
"We need the park to be gated - even the best of recall training will have no effect on dogs on sighting a squirrel or another dog. Having a gate leading on to a road with traffic is an absolute must have."
Agreed – for the safety of all users. The gate which is currently off is being fixed by the Council. We are also asking for the gates to be made more wheelchair accessible and to close more quietly.
"Late night dog walkers not picking up dog poo is a problem as is general rubbish ie vapes, dirty nappies, condoms, etc."
Agreed – this can only be eliminated if a torch is used or dogs are kept on-lead until they have toileted then let off. It would be so helpful if everyone used the bins provided for all rubbish – we can only keep encouraging.
"Would it be possible to fence off the new games area otherwise people will be cross if the dogs steal balls or get under their feet. I'm happy for all people to use the Rec but there has to be a compromise."
We’re not sure this would work as we would end up with lots of small fenced off areas if we’re not careful. Agreed – there must be a compromise and respect for all users. It is under discussion at FoLaR .
"There have been comments about dog owners 'standing around' chatting - which is very negative in particular to some of the older dog walkers who do stand chatting a lot."
We certainly want these dog owners to continue to enjoy their conversations – ideally to one side, ensuring the remainder of the Rec can be used by other dog walkers, as some people feel intimidated when a large group of dogs are playing together in the middle.
“Just told about what is happening on Latchmere Rec – not contacted or informed about changes – Pétanque/ tennis tables. We are a community of people – dog walkers which are very close friends not just dog walkers. Do not feel the older generation are considered or in the development of this space."
We're sorry to hear this. Via the use of posters on the gates and in our noticeboards, emailing our newsletter and posting on our website and on social media, we are trying to ensure that everyone is involved in the discussions and any changes on the Rec. Do let us know if there are other ways that you think we could be making contact with Rec users to keep them up-to-date. We are very conscious of all users of the Rec and the pétanque and style of gym equipment was in response to older users’ requests.
"Monitoring the usage of the park by delinquent's smoking weed and cannabis making it impossible for normal teenagers to come to the park to walk their dog!!!"
The police ask that anyone noticing anti-social behaviour reports this directly to them by calling 101. The Council has arranged for police officers to visit the Rec on Friday and Saturday nights over the summer.
"Sort out repairs to the fence which has gaps on the right-hand side of the Rec."
This has been raised with the Council so they can organise the necessary repairs. You can also raise any maintenance concerns directly with them at: