Wildlife ponds provide a rich, bio-diverse, habitat and creating one on the Rec was one of FoLaR's top priorities from the day we were formed. Our pond was created in Spring 2021 and officially opened by the Mayor.
The pond, the path and the fence were built by specialist contractors but once the pond was open all the work involved in developing and looking after it has been done by volunteers. We began by planting oxygenationg plants. These keep the water healthy and crystal clear without the need for a pump or any chemical or physical intervention.
The pond is monitored by a team of volunteers who visit regularly to check that the pond is healthy and free of branches or other debris and remove anything which shouldn't be there, including, in the summer, blanket weed.
Next, in December 2021, we planted 300 native hedge plants (hawthorn, dogwood, cherry, silver birch, rowan, haze, blackthorn, elder, dog rose, holly and ivy) just inside the fence. The plants will eventually form a thick hedge and largely hide the wooden fence. As it matures, the hedge will provide attractive blossom, berries and rich autumn colour. It will be a valuable food source for birds and insects. We added a further 100 plants in Autumn 2022.
The remaining area around the pond has been left for nature to decide what will grow. We have monitored the species as they arrive and have placed this information on the pond notice board.