Kingston Council
We are very grateful to the Council for their assistance already in supporting our funding applications for the café, toilet renovations, pond and pathway around the Rec along with the addition of mature trees.
We have a number of requests currently being actioned/considered by them:
- Improving the drainage outside the cafe
- Improving the toilet facilities
- The Council have approached us to suggest providing a Changing Places toilet facility on the Rec. This would provide a clean space with a hoist and adjustable height plinth for people with complex needs. Discussions are being held with us and Little League to ensure the position of this facility won't have a negative impact on existing activities.
If you see any maintenance issues that need to be addressed, please click here
By chance, we heard that Councillors have arranged to have police officers visit the Rec on Friday and Saturday evenings over the summer to check on antisocial behaviour. We hope to hear more about this in the near future.