FoLaR is a local volunteer community group, established to make the Latchmere Recreation Ground a place where there is something for everyone. We aim to increase biodiversity and improve opportunities for play, sport and relaxation, creating a space where the wonderful North Kingston community spirit can flourish.
Join FoLaR for FREE
Send your email to hello.folar@gmail.com - all members receive our newsletter (via email) keeping you up to date on activities on the Rec, proposals for the future and ways to volunteer.
Become a volunteer
Let us know if you would be interested in helping in any of the following ways by emailing us at hello.folar@gmail.com:
- Gardening
- Pond maintenance
- Cake baking
- Helping with family event days
- Litter picking
For more information, see our dedicated page to volunteering here
Latest News
Join us for Christmas Carols!!
Dogs on the Rec
We are please this lively discussion is taking place about dogs on the Rec. Our original list of suggestions came from both dog owners and non-dog owners who had contacted us about their concerns and, after discussions, we have found everyone to be sympathetic to the varying viewpoints. Click on here to see our new Dogs page on the website which has the latest news on the dog signs, questions Rec users have asked us with our responses and the amazing Community Dog Workshops being offered for FREE by local dog trainer, Michelle Moule.
Success with Council funding applications
Many of you will remember completing a survey asking whether you and our followers on Social Media wanted Table Tennis, Adult Gym Equipment, and a Pétanque pitch on the Rec. 93% supporting Table Tennis, 91% wanting Gym Equipment and 75% wanting Pétanque. We are very pleased to report that the Council is prepared to support all of these activities - please click here to see our suggested sitings.
We have also been successful in receiving funding to improve the drainage in front of the café.
A list of maintenance issues that we are currently in communication with the Council can be seen by clicking here. If you see anything yourself that needs attention, please contact them directly at
FoLar UPDATE on council discussions here
'Clean up after your pet' posters
You might have spotted a new poster on the Rec's gates - Clean up after your pet". It’s a trial run by FoLaR and the Council, and we would love to hear your thoughts before printing posters onto a permanent material!
Have your say! Let us know what you think by sending your comments to: hello.folar@gmail.com.
Let’s work together to keep our green space clean and enjoyable for everyone!
Miyawaki Forest has been installed!!
To remind anyone new to this plan -
Moving the gate at the Northern end of the Latchmere Lane, while good for avoiding puddles, has meant that there is an unattractive, dead area between the pond and the Latchmere Lane fence. We approached Elliot Newton, the Council’s Bio-Diversity Officer for advice and he made a bid for and achieved, funding for a very special planting scheme – a Miyawaki wood.
Miyawaki Woodland Scheme
The Miyawaki method was developed by the Japanese botanist Dr Akira Miyawaki and has been used in thousands of woods and forests around the world. The idea is to plant native trees at very high densities (3-5 plants per m 2 ) which has been found to create a healthy micro-climate with higher levels of bio-diversity and five times more fungi than in other woods.
The method accelerates the development of a layered woodland, with a mature canopy developing in 20 - 30 years, instead of the usual 200+. Woods of this type are good for bio-diversity and have already proved to be resilient to the climate challenges (floods, droughts and high winds).
In our corner of the Rec, they will plant 22 species, from low growing plants to dog roses and hazels: silver birches will be the largest.
The implementation process was started on 16th October 2024 and completed on 8th November 2024. Having this area next to the pond will be mutually beneficial and will add substantially to the wildlife area at the north end of the Rec. We look forward to seeing this plantation grow in the coming years.
Queries to greenspacesteam@kingston.gov.uk
Ways to support FoLaR
Volunteering - click here for details
Furniture - please click here to see ways that you can contribute financially to benches, picnic tables and umbrellas for the Rec
Donations - these help towards maintenance of the flower beds and pond as well as contributing to family events that don't always raise money.
For personal donations - please click here
For the Kingston Community Lottery - see poster below


Support Us by Donating (button below) or play the Kingston Community Lottery at £1.00 per week with a chance to win £20,000! That's twenty thousand pounds!
50% of ticket price goes goes directly to FoLaR! kingstonlottery.co.uk.
Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with our news
Email us your full name at hello.folar@gmail.com